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Author Topic: Wife accuses husband of turning house helps into sex machines  (Read 1571 times)

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Wife accuses husband of turning house helps into sex machines
« on: October 16, 2014, 05:44:37 PM »

Lagos on Thursday saved a 12-year-old marriage between Mr Femi Ajayi and his wife, Modupe.

The Court President, Mr R.I Adeyeri, was able to reconcile the estranged couple through thorough counselling.

Adeyeri ordered Modupe to write an undertaking that she would change her attitudes and admonished the couple to maintain the peace.

The petitioner, Mr Femi Ajayi, 45, legal practitioner, had filed a suit seeking dissolution of his 12-year-old marriage over threat to his life, arrogance and extravagant life style.

He said that his wife always threatened his life with dangerous weapons whenever they were fighting by picking a knife or other sharp objects to stab him.

He described Modupe as a pompous, disrespectful and arrogant woman.

?She is so full of herself and does not have respect for me despite all I have done for her, I bought her four cars within our 12 years of marriage, yet she does not have regard for me.

?She does thing without telling me; she travelled out of Nigeria without my consent?.

Femi accused his wife of living extravagantly, using any money she got to buy jewellery to the extent that she spent N250,000 meant for his children?s school fees.

He said that he would have divorced her two years ago, but he thought she would change and that they were living as enemies in the house as they had stopped talking to each other since June, 2013.

In her defence, Mrs Modupe Ajayi, 40, businesswoman, told the court that her husband was a ?womaniser? and had slept with her best friend.

?My husband runs after anything in skirt; I caught him making love to my best friend in her house.

?I refused to employ any house help again as he has turned them into sex machines,? Modupe said.

She said that she stopped having sex with her husband since September 2013 because she always had infection days after he made love to her.

?I stopped making love to him and I stopped washing his clothes when I discovered I always see and smell sperm on his boxers,? she said.

The mother of three said that a day after their wedding, her husband abandoned her to stay with another woman and lied to her that he travelled to see his father in the village.

?I called his father when he did not show up for days, but he told me that he did not see my husband?.

Modupe said that she later discovered the lady?s number on his phone and she called her to leave her husband alone.

?After I warned her on phone, my husband rushed home, dragged me out of the bathroom naked, beat me for calling his girl friend.

?It was my brother-in-law that ran out to cover my nakedness,? she said.