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Author Topic: US Denies Ebola Screening for Nigerian Passengers  (Read 1399 times)

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Offline ctytravellink

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US Denies Ebola Screening for Nigerian Passengers
« on: October 04, 2014, 08:02:55 PM »

The United State of America has denied reports that it plans Ebola test for Nigerians entering the country at ports of entry.

This was made know in a statement signed by the Nigerian Ambassador to the US Ade Adefuye.
The statement said it was not true the report published by some major newspapers that U.S. airports plan Ebola screening of Nigerians arriving at U.S. airports.

Adefuye in the statement declared that after contacting the U.S authorities on the issue the United States Director of Disease Control, Mr. Tom Frieden, denied any of such plan.

The statement read thus

?My attention has been drawn to a publication yesterday (October 2, 2014) in one of Nigerian major newspapers to the effect that U.S. airports plan Ebola screening of Nigerians arriving at U.S. airports.
The Embassy contacted the U.S. authorities and hereby report that there is no truth in this report. The United States Director of Disease Control, Mr. Tom Frieden, denied any of such plan.

He stated that: ?Restricting travels between the U.S. and West Africa where Ebola virus is widely well-spread will likely be ineffective and will make it harder for health officials to root out the virus.?
He went on to say that the only way we can get to zero risk is by stopping the outbreak at the source in Africa.

​With particular reference to Nigeria, Mr. Frieden said that Nigeria?s extensive response to a single case of Ebola shows that control is possible with rapid and focused intervention.

The Center for Diseases Control has dispatched its personnel to study how Nigeria contained the killer disease. They will also visit Senegal to study its model.

​Also speaking during an emergency session at the United Nation Security Council on Ebola on Thursday, the Director of World Health Organization, Migrate Chan, told participants to take a clue from the stable condition in Nigeria and Senegal.

As if to join in the celebration of Nigeria?s independence, the influential New York Times in its October 1 edition carried a front page report on how Nigeria effectively tackled Ebola.

​The U.S. government, especially the Department of Health, is very much impressed with the success achieved by the Federal, Lagos and Rivers State Governments in combating Ebola.

The announcement by Nigeria that it will assist other African countries to combat Ebola has been well received by the U.S. government and public.

​Nigeria has donated 3 million dollars and sent its officials to assist affected African countries. The U.S. government, with Nigeria?s Minister of Health, is working to assist affected West African countries in tackling Ebola.

To this effect, the U.S Department of Health postponed the invitation to Professor Chukwu to take part in a series of discussions and activities on Ebola in U.S. so that he can concentrate on assisting West African countries on Ebola.

​The Embassy therefore appeal to Nigerians not to be worried of being subjected to any extra check at U.S. ports of entry. All Nigerians with qualified U.S. immigration papers are welcome here.



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