When you're learning about something new, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of relevant information available. This informative article should help you focus on the central points.
As Newbies in this Internet Business, you’re always looking for more quality businesses that you can sell and make a profit.
You surf from website to another website, join affiliate programs that promise you financial wealth and three months after that, your income is….. ZERO!
Here’s another one. You buy a good and quality product (as mention by the website owner) that can increase your sales in whatever that is you are selling. After applying the method and advise from the product you’ve just bought, your income is….. ZERO!
The problem is that most newbies boldly trust the product they’ve just bought from the website owners or Gurus without really recognise the sincerity of the so called Gurus. These Gurus know exactly what does newbies really want. They write a very nice and catchy salesletter to make you believe that their product is simply the best on the Internet. By the time you click the “Order” button, then only you’ve realized your mistake. You’ve just make them richer, while you keep on losing money.
They are thousands and thousands of self-proclaimed Gurus on the Internet. So, which one should you choose to be your Guru? How do you actually recognise a really genuine and sincere Internet Gurus? Here then are the top six tips you should know:
1. Contact The Guru
Find the guru contact number or email address and contact them. Try to learn more about the product from the guru himself. Yeah, oh course you already read his salesletter. But you need to know more before you decide to buy his product. Ask him a lot of questions and see how he replies. If he can answer all of your questions, you know he is truly a man he claimed to be. Always remember one crucial thing, don’t trust any guru because you want to trust him. But trust him only when he can convince you.
2. Guru Replies Your Email
Make sure the guru himself reply your email. This is very important. Whatever questions you’ve sent to him, you want to listen from the man himself and not his friend or staff or his support team. If he can’t reply your email, that just shown that he seems don’t really care about your success. He only wants your pocket money, nothing more.
You can see that there's practical value in learning more about Internet Gurus. Can you think of ways to apply what's been covered so far?
3. Short Period Of Time For Guru To Reply Your Email
Allow the guru maximum of 2 or 3 days only to reply your email. If he takes 5 to 10 days or maybe up to 14 days, you simply backaway immediately and don’t buy his product. You probably know that the guru have tons of email in his inbox and he might not have time to entertain everybody. But then again, that is his problem, not yours. He should be prepare to read his email anytime because this is his business anyway. It’s a modern and advance world nowadays. Everything needs to be done quickly and instantly.
4. Buy A Product From Guru That Offers REFUND
If the guru has this offer to you, he is quite confident about his product and he really wants to see you succeed. He strongly believes in his product and so do you. If you’re not happy with the product, simply refund it. You’ve nothing to lose. Remember, guru that does not offer any refund simply just want to steal your money and run away.
5. Check Your Affiliate Link On Autoresponder
When you buy a product that have resell rights or joint any affiliate programs, usually the guru has set up an autoresponder messages for you to sell to your own customers. So you don’t have to create your own that will cost you a lot of time. Make sure that the autoresponder have your own affiliate link inside it. When your customers click on it, it will be your sale and you get the money. It does happen when certain gurus take advantage of you by putting his own link inside your autoresponder after you promote it to your customer. This is truly a dishonest guru you’ve ever seen.
6. Ask Around About The Guru
Do some research of your own to find out about the guru. If he is truly good as he claims to be, some other people might know him and use his product before. Ask somebody that you know about him. Or you can ask somebody from any forum programs that you’ve joined. Gather as many information as you can. Than only you can decide clearly.
As you can see, it is not easy to put your trust in anybody. How can you put your trust on somebody when you don’t even know who the person is? It’s a jungle out there. But if you follow exactly the tips mentioned above, you have a high chance to success and chase your dreams.
Now might be a good time to write down the main points covered above. The act of putting it down on paper will help you remember what's important about Internet Gurus.