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Author Topic: female suicide bombers might be Chibok girls who escaped : Group alleges  (Read 1785 times)

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A group under the aegis of Centre for Advocacy of Justice and Rights, has called on President Goodluck on the need to ensure that security agencies in Nigeria checkmate the new trend suicide bombing by suspected teenage girls in the country.

The group in a press release issued on Thursday in Jos stated that the terrorists might be using the abducted Chibok girls to unleash evil in the land.

It said the suspected female suicide bombers who have attacked Kano metropolis in four separate attacks might be some of the over 200 Chiboks girls that were abducted by the Boko Haram over 100 days ago.

?Our greatest fear is that we hope it is not the Chibok girls that are being brain washed by their captors to commit such acts and if our fears are true, then it is already a national tragedy as many of these girls are yet to be accounted for,? the group said in the statement signed by it?s programme officer, Pwakim Choji.

Naijacrux reports that 14 people were killed in four separate attacks by suspected female Boko Haram terrorists in Kano State this week.