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Author Topic: 'The ?Chibok girl? released by Boko Haram is pregnant'  (Read 1523 times)

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'The ?Chibok girl? released by Boko Haram is pregnant'
« on: September 26, 2014, 07:30:56 AM »

The abducted ?Chibok girl? released on Wednesday is ?pregnant and mentally ill,? the National Chairman of Chibok Community Development Association, Dr. Pogu Bitrus revealed.

Earlier on Thursday, the police revealed that the 20-year-old girl was abandoned by suspected terrorists at Mubi in Adamawa State, from where she was picked up. It also confirmed that she was one of the female pupils of Government Secondary School, Chibok, Borno State, abducted in April by Boko Haram.

However, Bitrus said it was still uncertain if the girl was from Chibok because her name did not correspond with any of the names in the records of the girls that were captured by Boko Haram on April 14.

?I was speaking Kibaku to her, but she did not respond; she was incoherent. She may be having mental issues as a result of trauma,? he said.

Bitrus added that preliminary tests ? still not definitive ? indicated that the girl is pregnant.

He added, ?When she was picked up, she was taken to a clinic, not a standard hospital, and tests were carried out on her.

?From the tests, it was said she is pregnant, but that is still in the speculative domain because a qualified medical doctor has not confirmed that she is pregnant.

?However, we are still trying to establish if really she is from Chibok, because from our sources, the last name of the released girl does not tally with the surname of the person bearing the first name of the released girl captured in our records and whose father is a carpenter at Chibok. So, we are still trying to work out every detail.?



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