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Author Topic: Man Dies At Sperm Bank After 4th Donation In 10 Days (PHOTO)  (Read 2171 times)

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Man Dies At Sperm Bank After 4th Donation In 10 Days (PHOTO)
« on: September 19, 2014, 09:40:13 AM »

    A marathon masturbator in China died after he donated his seed to a sperm bank four times in just 10 days.

    Zheng Gang was found slumped over and unconscious in a private booth at the Wuhan University facility in Hubei Province after staff noticed he hadn?t come out in two hours, The Daily Mail reports.

    When the medics broke down the door, they discovered the 23-year-old lying on the floor and immediately tried to resuscitate him. Doctors ultimately pronounced him dead of a heart attack.

    Gang?s family took the sperm bank to court because his relatives felt the clinic was responsible for his 2012 death, according to the Daily Mail.
    They demanded to be paid $648,545 in compensation and claimed that the clinic had forced him to sign up.

    They also said the clinic pressured the young man into making frequent donations and alleged the medical staff did not properly handle the situation once they discovered him unconscious.

    But a court has now ruled that his demise was entirely his fault because he was capable of making his own decisions ? including going on a masturbatory frenzy.

    Gang started studying to become a doctor at Wuhan in 2010. He joined the sperm bank program a year later and was known to be a regular advocate for the facility ? sometimes even encouraing others to make their own donations.



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