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Author Topic: EBOLA SCARE" Nigerian governors refuse handshake greetings, greet with knuckles  (Read 2252 times)

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President Goodluck Jonathan, Wednesday, summoned the thirty six state governors with their commissioners for Health for an emergency meeting to discuss possible ways to curtail the spread of the dreaded Ebola Virus Disease (EVD).

The governors opted to greet one another with knuckles at the presidential villa.

Nigeria has so far reported that ten persons have been diagnosed of the deadly virus while two have been confirmed dead after a Liberian-American, Patrick Sawyer died of the virus in Lagos.

Many other Nigerians, who had initial contacts with the dead are being quarantined while many others are being given treatment by the government.

What do you think of the Governors "choping knuckles" instead of the traditional handshakes?