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Author Topic: If you don't pay attention to these 5 areas, divorce could be imminent  (Read 1611 times)

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Offline jchima14

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"My husband told me that, if things don't change, he's thinking about a divorce."

"We have nothing in common anymore."

"She's not the same person I married.

"We have so much going on, we simply don't hang out with one another."

These are the common phrases I hear over and over when I work with couples in crisis. I expect to hear them. They are what I have prepared for. When I hear them coming from friends, however, it catches me off guard. It shouldn't, I know, but somehow I think that MY friends won't succumb to the pressures that lead to divorce. Yet, my friends are just as likely to divorce as are the people who come to see me.

In my years of work, I have found several common denominators that everyone knows about, but it continually seems people don't pay attention to them. Not paying attention to these things inevitably leads to poor relationships and, many times, divorce. While there are any number of things that can lead to divorce, these five things are what I have found to be consistent among couples in conflict....
Source: http://www.ereporter.com.ng/index.php/more-news/life-style-news/item/1451-if-you-don-t-pay-attention-to-these-5-areas-divorce-could-be-imminent



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