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Author Topic: Nigerian Scientist's Conversion of Urine Into Flammable Gases Gets Patent  (Read 1648 times)

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Offline jchima14

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Urine Powered Generator

A Nigerian scientist has obtained a patent for his pioneer work in converting urine into flammable gases. The breakthrough of Ejikeme Patrick Nwosu, 31-year-old, has raised the hope of the world in using urine to solve its energy crisis.

Nwosu got Patent No NG/P/20/2013/699 for developing a process for conversion of urine into hydrogen-ammonia rich flammable gases and fire resistant materials.

Source: http://www.ereporter.com.ng/index.php/more-news/science-tech-news/item/1290-nigerian-scientist-s-conversion-of-urine-into-flammable-gases-gets-patent