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Author Topic: Jobs at Stanbic IBTC  (Read 1757 times)

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Jobs at Stanbic IBTC
« on: October 30, 2014, 01:15:14 PM »
Stanbic IBTC Bank values original thinkers with genuine insight and the team commitment that will help our clients outperform the market. As Africa?s largest and most respected bank, our Global Markets division offers you an outstanding opportunity to rapidly develop your banking talents. You will work across a range of financial instruments, operating within very different markets and countries.
Our ambitious plans now mean we are looking for a highly experienced Fixed Income Trader

Stanbic IBTC Bank is recruiting to fill the following vacant positions:
Loan Booking Officer
Job Type
Full Time
Job Field

Position Description
? To carry out credit procedures, maintain a tight control over all aspects of advance administration, with the primary objective to contain credit risk within acceptable parameters by ensuring accurate and timely booking of all Business Banking deals while ensuring compliance with all conditions as stipulated in the sanction.
? Ensure consistent service delivery, meeting the needs of both existing and new business clients

Key Responsibilities
? Review conditions precedent checklist  to approve for  draw down of all Personal Banking facilities once satisfied that all terms and conditions of sanction/covenants have been met and all required collateral have been obtained and are in legal order
? Ensuring the Covenant tracker is updated with all covenants as stated on the sanction document by the CEM before signing off for disbursement.
? Ensure proper follow-up on deferrals items to ensure same are regularized within the stipulated time frame and escalate deviations to Team Lead BB CRM for inclusion in the watch-list report.
? Authorize disbursement of all Personal Banking deals on the Core Banking software.
? Ensure CBN CRMS reporting on all customers with a cumulative exposure of N1 million
? Ensure PAS take-up of all UPLs, VAF and Home loans deal
? Ensuring the Credit files are kept in perfect order in line with the CBN?s basic Credit Files requirement.
? Take up and actioning of issues raised on Remedy with respect to personal loans.
? Ensure unverified record exception report is spooled on Cognos daily and loan repayment exception report spooled weekly.
? Responding to queries and resolving issues pertaining to limits loaded on both the Core Banking software and HP&L
? Any other responsibility assigned by the Team Leader.

Key performance measures
Risk Management
? Maintain a high quality-lending book, through the judicious and effective management thereof.
Customer service / performance measurement
Add value to PBB Banking by delivering a prompt, efficient and professional risk management service.
Operational Risk Analyst - SIPML
Job Type
Full Time
Job Field

Purpose of the Job
Operational Risk Analyst has the responsibilty to ensure that the operational risks the Company is exposed to are well captured in the risk universe and that there are adequate mitigants in place to ensure the realisation of the operational objectives of the organisation.

Key Responsibilities/Key Result Areas:
The Operational Risk Analyst has responsibilities to the following key stakeholder groups:

The Company:
? Evaluating key business functions and processes for risk
? Undertaking risk assessment exercise for the purposes of profiling and improvements
? Monitoring KRIs and suggesting new KRIs for risk profiling
? Assessing the probability and impact of individual risk on the Company and
? Assessing the people, system, and internal control elements of operational risk

Business Unit Heads/Leaders
? Monthly reporting of Evaluated risks
? Monthly review of operational units processes
? Review of operational manual

? Encouraging risk management culture amongst staff
? Promoting the culture of incidence reporting
? Needing to work through issues with colleagues to provide workable solutions

Risk Management Department
? Ensure that reports fed from operational management are well integrated into the risk management report

Key Performance Measures
? Keeping tab on key operational issues to the extent that mitigants are always provided
? Carry out review on business functions
? Improve policies and procedures reflecting best practices.

Important Relationships
Business Unit Heads within Wealth Group, Employees of Wealth Group, Other employees of Stanbic IBTC.
Job Type
Full Time
Job Field
Law / Legal 

Position Description
The Legal Officer is responsible for ensuring that the Stanbic IBTC Pension Managers Ltd (SIPML) complies in every form and manner with the applicable Laws, Edicts, Rules and Regulations in force in the Federal Republic of Nigeria.


? Attending to general Company Secretarial duties such as, attending various meetings within and outside the Company as maybe directed from time to time by the Company Secretary; taking minutes of meetings, circularizing action points from the meetings, uploading relevant papers for discussion on the relevant platform, Dealing with correspondence; Collating information and writing reports while ensuring that action memos are prepared timeously and communicated to the relevant Stakeholders; Conduct basic research from the Corporate Affairs Commission and compile, analyze and prepare all such reports.
? Stamping of documents at the federal board of Inland Revenue and Lagos state Inland Revenue services; Keeping and updating the required statutory books such as The Register of Members, Minute Books for both the Meetings of the Board of Directors, and Shareholders Meetings.
? Completing various Statutory Return Forms in compliance with the provisions of the regulatory bodies. Such bodies include but are not limited to The Corporate Affairs Commission, and the National pension Commission, etc.

? To Provide Legal advice to SIPML and its management staff on key Legal issues affecting it while ensuring compliance with all relevant regulations/statutes in respect of its dealings.
? Rendering various Legal Opinions and Advise on Pension Issues, and all related legal issues that might arise from time to time in the course of the day-to-day activities of the Company.
? Interfacing with Shareholders, various Regulators and other stakeholders from time to time on all issues relating to the Company or its method of doing business.
? Conducting and assisting to conduct research

? Liaising with External Solicitors on Legal Issues including but not limited to Litigation at various Courts within and outside the Federal Republic of Nigeria and keeping the Company and management duly advised thereon; holding watching brief for the company in respect of all its matters under litigation; perusal of court processes served on the Company and preparing/assisting in the preparation of Court processes such as Statement of Claim, Statement of Defense, Set-off, Counter claim etc for and along with the Company?s external solicitors.
? Providing Negotiation and Mediation skills on issues that may arise in respect of the group.

? Drafting, reviewing, vetting, and advising on all documents, agreements and contracts involving the company or any of its units as may arise from time to time. Such Agreements will include but are not limited to: Portfolio Management Agreements, Investment Management Agreements, Technical Service Agreements, Service Level Agreements, Deeds of Assignment, Trust Deeds and other related Agreements, Lease Agreements, and Power of Attorney.

? Specifically responding to and evaluating all legal issues affecting the Company as well as all Teams in the Company.
? Conduct searches on properties which are of interest to the Company, or properties which provided by clients as security for facilities to be granted them by the Company.
? Representing the interest of the Company or any relevant Team in the Company when invited by any law enforcement agency such as the Police, Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, NDLEA or other agencies where necessary.
? Interpret laws, directives, regulations, and court decisions as they may affect the Company and/or services rendered by the Company; and help train new lawyers into the Company.
? General Legal advisory and Solicitors work as may arise from time to time as the Company develops and any other duty that may be assigned to the Legal Officer by the Company Secretary, or Chief Executive Officer.

? Ensure excellent Legal Service Delivery in line with Service Standards.
? Excellent Compliance with the rules and regulations regarding the Corporate Affairs Commission, National pension Commission and all other regulatory bodies.
? Upto date on all External matters of the Company including monitoring matters out sourced to external solicitors.
? Demonstrate integrity, ingenuity and inventiveness in the performance of assigned task.
? Anticipate and communicate to the Company Secretary issues on legal and administrative requirements & opportunities

Executive Management of SIPML, Colleagues in the legal and Company Secretariat Team; SIBTC Group, Executive Committee members of SIPML; Management of SIPML; Business Unit Heads within SIPML, Employees of SIPML, Other employees of Stanbic IBTC Group, External solicitors and Consultants, Regulators at various levels, The General Public.
Method of Application

To apply follow the following steps

   Click on this link
    On the Location field, select Nigeria
    Then click the Search button



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