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Author Topic: 12 Important On-Page search engine optimization Factors  (Read 1694 times)

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Offline mastercode

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12 Important On-Page search engine optimization Factors
« on: October 25, 2014, 10:18:07 PM »

1. Leverage SEO-Friendly Permalink URLs
-You want your page's URL to be short and keyword rich.
AVOID ugly URls like (backlinko.com/p=12345313).
Google has stated that the first 3-5 words in a URL are given the most weight.

2. Goal= Start Title with Keyword
-Your title tag is the most important on-page SEO element.

3. Dazzle with multimedia
-Text can only take your content so far. Engaging images, videos and diagrams can reduce bounce rate and increase time on site.

4. Use Outbound Links
- Outbound links to related pages is relevancy signal that helps Google zero-in on your page's topic.

5. Drop Keyword in First 100 Words
-Your keyword should appear in the first 100-150 words of the article.
Putting the keyword early in the content emphasizes that your article's content is about the keyword.

6. Nail Loading Speed
- Make sure your page loads in 4 seconds or less.

7. Add Modifiers to Your Title
-Adding modifiers like "2013", "best", "guide", and "review" can help your rank for tail versions of your target keyword.

8. Using Social Sharing Buttons
-Social signals are becoming a larger part of search engine algorithms. So use them.

9. Post Long content
- Aim for at least 1500 words when targeting competitive keywords. I have found that longer content ranks significantly higher in google.

10. Decrease bounce rate
-You want users to stay on your site and not just leave right away, some ways to to this would include to add internal links, write compelling copy, and invest in a clean site design.

11. LSI Keywords
-LSI keywords are synonyms that Google uses to determine a page's relevancy (and possible quality). Find LSI keywords using "Searches related to..." at the bottom of Google Search results or by entering your keyword into the Google Adwords Keyword Tool.

12. Wrap your Title in an H1 Tag
-The H1 tag is your "headline" tag. Most blog platforms automatically add the H1 tag to your post title. But some themes override this setting.

All this stuff came from trial and error from me at work and research that I have found. Hope this helps some of you.



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